Monday, September 5, 2011

GHM Diagrams


Annotative Diagram helps to understand the flow of each floor within the GHM from the main central pathway which is the staircase.  Also, it is hard to tell but, the blue area indicate areas of primary usage and the purple areas make secondary usage spaces along with side trips within the lobby of the building.

This refined diagram helps to illustrate the 3 levels of the museum and they key areas within each level. The winding arrow represents the main pathway to all levels which is the staircase. It is also symbolizes the flow within the building which was very chaotic.  

Occasions: Class trips, Exhibit events, Guest Speakers, Theater performances
Players: Volunteers, Staff/museum employees, Visitors of the museum. performers including from actors to scholars
Resources: Historical artifacts, Information about the city of Greensboro
Surroundings: Restaurants and shops, The cultural center is not far away. It is hard to distinguish from the street that the old church is a museum because of no large icons allowing it to stand out.

Stated and observed issue within the building to address: 
+ Very Chaotic flow. There is no distinct pathway showing you where to go within the building
+Lighting quality of the spaces
+Coloring of the space and the use of color/materials to transition in the space

+The staircase provides a very important aspect in the space.  From each level you are able to see the staircase and first floor lobby so how can the light fixtures and ceiling area be used to attract attention in an aesthetically pleasing way?

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