Sunday, August 28, 2011

WAM Diagrams

This diagram was a previous drawing I did to depict the light experienced withing the space of the three main sections of the WAM lobby.

This diagram helps to emphasize on the flow through out the building and the feeling one feels when entering the space.  One walks in and is automatically drawn into the open center of the lobby and so within this diagram I allowed for the eye to automatically be drawn to that area within the space. 

This diagram helps to show the feeling of the space along with the areas of light and main circular flow. 
This is my final diagram. In this diagram I broke the building into 3 distinct areas.  The flow of the area reads as direct from one space to the next.

Occasions: Gallery exhibits, Class, Speakers, Lectures
Players: Students, Faculty, Visitors for the community or far away, Security guards, Staff, Delivery people
Resources: Art, areas to learn
Surroundings: Campus buildings, a church, the intersection of Tate St. and Spring Garden.