Scandinavian Design was a modern movenment that began in the early 20th century. This movement focuced on designing products and buildings that were simply, fundamental, sustainable fuctionable, at the same time they were made out of cheap material so they can be mass produced. Many great Scandinvaian designers were Eero Saarinen and Alvar Aalto. When thinking about the impact that Scandinavian design had on today's design, a perfect example would be IKEA. IKEA is a company produced out of Sweden which focuses on the same values such as simplicity, functionality, and cheap cheap design. At the same time IKEA products as well as the IKEA company themselves strive to be substainable. They hire their own designers specifically for their products. Their products also come packaged to transport and self-assemble which goes along with the theory of today's design of being able to do it yourself!
Great. But does the mass production affect the design quality?