Saturday, October 30, 2010

A System of Wood

For our project leading up to our Luminare, we were to make a system from one 18 inch peice of 2x4.  We were to use every peice of the 2x4 and make a system through connecting the wood WITHOUT any binders meaning, glue, nails, etc.  This project was to help us become familiar with the woodshop and tools and also, so that we might understand what a system is because most of the world opperates through systems.

System: An assemblage combination of things or parts forming a complex or unitary whole. (

My system


                                              I started out playing around in the woodshop and decided to use fingerjoints to connect my system

I cut my 2x4 into 4 peices and from there cut each board 2 in shorter than the last ending up with 9 peices ranging from 18'' to 2''.  In doing this I used every peice of my 2x4.
 My finger joints were 3/4'' down and from there i drilled 1/2'' holes 1 1/4'' down to connect my finger 1/2'' wide fingerjoints into to make a sturdy hold.

System of Patterns

                                                      Here and throughout my whole project you can see that my system focuses on patterns through measurements and overlapping of connections
                                      Joining area

I feel my project is a good representation of a system of wood. One can see the patterns, which is an important part of a system.  Also, one can see how i connected the wood using only fingerjoints and drilled holes that percise mearsurements to them which represents my wholes system's measurements working with 2''.

I used a good amount of the machines down in the woodshop which was an interesting experience because I had never really worked with powertools before. I found it fun once I got the hang of it and can see myself taking more trips down to the woodshop.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Research on Light Artist

What is Light?
---Simply a name for a range of electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the human eye
---Brightness;illumination, often of a specific kind

Marcus Tremonto, a New York based artist/designer, has a very urban, abstract style when working with light.  Within his "Are You Positive?" and "Make Me" exhibits, he plays with light and the concept of light in a very non traditional manner, making the viewer question what is real and what is not. He plays with simple objects of light as a window into an obscured view of the world.  His usage of material, light, and shadowing gives off a very playful and fun feel.

"I want the viewer to interact with what they are experiencing, either by movement or question this allowing the relationship to begin between them and the piece" - Marcus Tremonto
He does this through the objects he portrays and the usage of material, light, and shadowing thus giving his pieces an engaging playful and fun feel.

 Here is a piece from Tremonto's "Make Me" collection.  He uses electroluminescent paper which is paper thin flexible plastic that generates light from its own power supply of some form of electricity.  His pieces are 2-D working with paper and light in a cartoon like manner which illuminates areas of movement that draw the eye.   Through this illumination, we come to question the reality of the spill.

In Tremonto's "Are You Positive?" collection he also uses electroluminescent paper to represent light.  The light bulbs are represented in pixels and shadow play to challenge our assumption of reality and deception.  He is using traditional sources of light such as light bulbs, to go beyond the everyday and question our thoughts on reality in very 2-D forms of a 3-D world.

Marcus Tremonto's work is very similar to Cenci Goepel and Jens Wamecke's work in that, Tremonto takes objects of light such as light bulbs, and puts them in forms that make us question the reality of light where as, Goepel and Wamecke's work puts light in places where it usually does not play a role and plays with our reality of darkness.  They both play with abstract forms of light and darkness on common materials.

(Source: Tremonto)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Shadow Drawing

Twig and Stick drawings

I feel like these two sketches show a lot of improvement in my drawing techniques.  I represent good shading and also details within both peices that make the sticks look more realistic in character. Im learning how to draw! YAY!

This drawing was during an inclass drawing excerise

This drawing was composed while I was at Wilmington.  I was basking in the sun and observing my surroundings.

Drafting Assignments

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Light Phenomenon

In leading up to our Luminare, we were to go out an observe a natural light phenomenon and this is what I observed.  I chose to focus on the illumination that occurs when the sun is behind clouds.  It is interesting to think of the contrast in color and how, through light from the sun, one can see the layering of the cloud and begin to understand what a cloud really is; a layering of material and percipitation.

My Diagraphic Model

Through making this model, I was able to better understand my phenomenon and what I was trying to represent with it.  This will help me in the process of illistrating this phenomenon in a luminare.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

12 sticks-Project 2

This was a picture of a decoration peice at a Greensboro K&W.  I say this while I was putting together my stick project and it reminded/helped to inspire my final prototype. 

This project started out with collecting 12 sticks and making a container for the sticks. My first step was wondering around observing sticks and twigs, picking them up examining every detail while trying to gather ideas.  I found some I really felt like the curvature were very appealing and represented the tension effect that I was working with therefore I transformed my idea.

Parti (My idea changed a lot but I stuck with my inspiration of curves)
Step 1
Playing with curves and tension
                                                  Taking the key points that I was trying to represent and enphasizing on it

                                                     Binding agent

                                                                 Paper base
